
The EH-fternoon shift....

Put to task, a Bam-Bam can be a formidable opponent.
(or proponent! Dependant on your view)

When put to the test of entertaining Sir Al, RIGGS et'all, on a lovely
Saturday afternoon, I needed to come up with something that could please the mildest and the wildest of the crowd looking for fun. I also had the task of entertaining everyone interested, before the greatest meal in the history of blogger.... well.....HISTORY!

Well folks.... I give you the EH-fternoon shift.

Expensive drinks, good friends, great times and naked woman. (Ooooooops! Must have had Blogger link "issues" there! ) If you can't have fun with that, you're probably in with the wrong crowd! We might even develop the "EH-procedure" as we go. Who knows? What I do know is, a few Monday or Tuesday morning posts will have some Meagher snippets of actual and semi-factual happenings on the day.

But until that time, we'll enjoy each others company, tell tall tales and enjoy the moment, (or whatever else is) at hand together.

I for one can't wait!

So T-Spot EH-fternoon shift, here we come! I'm certain you'll never be the same. Al and I are currently accepting applications for the judging panel for the 2008, EH-Vegas "Avis" Award. This will be awarded to the one EH-fternoon shift employee we deem as the "try's harder" candidate of the day.

Award donations would be greatly appreciated by both the judging panel, and "Avis" I'm sure.

Let the judging begin!

My sincerest thanks for dropping by....


Evy said...

Sounds like a great trip! I hope you all have a kick ass time!

katitude said...

"Expensive drinks, good friends, great times and naked women."


Just where do I fit in that list, hmmm??

BamBam said...

Thank you Evy and GREAT BLOG !
Greater TITS ! But great blog too.

As for you dear Kat! We'll see my pretty.... We'll see!


BWoP said...

I love judging competitions!

Evy said...

If Kat doesn't want to see the naked chicks, I'll go :)

Bam - should i offer to flash my tits as an award donation? :)