I made mention of a few monster hands I'd been dealt of late and I have to tell you, they just keep on coming! My chubby little digits are actually a little tender from all the work involved in getting screen captures from the last few days. I've got enough material right now I think, to cover this little corner of the Blogoshpere for the rest of the year.
Today I thought I'd go with your opinions regarding Omahahaha starting hands. Of course this is open to anyone and everyone, but as I know a few of you personally and I know what kind of Omahaulics you can be, I'd really like to hear from
YOU and
In my only Omaha game ever on line, (PLO/8) I ended up in the cash with a third place finish. Considering my lack of knowledge for the game and the fact that this leads me to play like an anal retentive nit, I'll take the result. But I constantly found myself crushed by the flops that came down, a large portion of the times that I'd folded. So here's a few hands and what I was tinking when I folded them. Please feel free to critique at will.
So here's the first one. It's the 29th. hand into the game and I'm in MP. We're 6 handed and there have been two limpers ahead of me. I look down at 9d-10d-Jh-4s and although I guess there is straight potential in the hand, I see no low potential at all and let it go. We'll never know if my Quad's were good here, but I woudn't have gone anywhere after that flop.
Next on the 43 hand of the game and in the SB, we're down to 5 handed. Again there have been two limpers ahead of me and I look down at Qh-2h-3s-3c. I personally don't like that Queen sitting out there all by herself, and I let the hand go. Had I limped in, I think the flop might have kept me interested for sure. The turn would've sealed two players fate, IMHO.

Around the 10th. hand of the final table, we'd gotten down to 8 handed poker. I'm on the button and have had a limper and a pot sized bet ahead of me. I hold Ah-Ad-As-9s. Now call me crazy perhaps, but I actually took some time to consider making a call here for three reasons. The player that potted has been really ultra-aggresive with his stack. I can fairly safely say his low draw is only to the 2 and if the flop comes low, maybe I can yank it in. Lastly, I think I can also eliminate his high hand outs because of all of my Aces as well. My gut told me to forget the call as it was really a weak play. That meant fold or pot and I took one more look at my hand. I decided on fold and immediately felt gratification from doing so, as both players behind decided to stay in and check out the flop.

Down to 5 handed at final table now and I'm UTG. The blinds had escalated and I was sitting on about 20 to 25 BB's. I am dealt 2s-3s-2c-Jd. I still don't love that one misfit card and I let the same type of hand as earlier in the game go into the muck. It is down to 5-handed, is this a leak or strength? I'm lost!

So there you have it! Quad Quad's in one game and I didn't play any of the four of them. Talk about messing with your head, when it comes to starting hand selection the entire game!
Now in typical Bam-Bam'ion fashion, I'd like to leave you with one of the hands that I personally thought I played very well. Just to give you a chance to tell me what a real donk I am at this game! For certainly if I thought I played it OK, I must have made many, many mistakes along the way.
It was way back in the 35 hand of the game. I was UTG at the 6-handed table and see that I hold 3s-4d-5c-6s. Now for me, this is a hand that I see some potential in. There is also potential for a few callers based on the play so far, if I make a pot sized bet. The blinds are obviously not that big as of yet and if I actualy hit the potential of this hand on the flop, I will be getting paid a much larger pot in the end. Only the BB was interested in the hand and off we go. A damn near perfect flop hits me for the 3-7 straight. In my mind, I currently have Bingo! More chips go into the pot and we see the 3c on the turn. this dissapoints me just a tick, as it opens up a second flush possibility and of course, the wheel is there as well. Once again the chips just slide into the pot with absoloutely no effort. As soon as I saw the way that it played out on that turn, I figured a split pot for certain. When what I considered to be the miracle 5d came on the River to improve my straight to a boat, I figured since the chop was a strong possibility, I might as well get a few more chips into the middle. As it turns out after the call, I was actually ahead the entire time. I ended up scooping the fairly hefty pot.

So considering that I thought I was sitting down to play in our regular Monday night HORSE game, I think I'll take a small amount of pride in finishing third.
It was after all, not just a surprise to me that the game had changed. But my first ever PLO/8 tournament.
My sincerest thanks for dropping by....