Like all, ( :o( well almost all ) of my IIF's, my time has come. I just got through the last two hours, and I'm officially on my WPBT weekend of debauchery. Yee-Haw !!
I'm taking Pebbles into the big smoke for a quick check up at the Doc's and then it's off we go. I know everyone is telling me everything will be fine, but I'm just weird that way. Slightly over-protective of my girl and I want someone qualified to say "Yup. She's OK."
She sure seems it and it's great to see her in such great spirits so soon. I was amazed, thrilled and quite taken back by how many of you asked about her last night at the mookie. It means tons folks. I can't tell you how much exactly because I don't think words can describe how it really makes me feel.
I'll just say thanks here... and try to come up with better in person.
I think I'll go chase me a river once again tonight. Last night's mookie was not exactly stellar poker on my part.
I know I've already pimped Truckin' twice this week but you know what? I think it's worth doing again.
My sincerest thanks for dropping by....
Do yourself a favour, have a good read.
Truckin' - December 2007, Vol. 6, Issue 12
1. Santa by Paul McGuire
Santa nodded off on the subway. He did that often, always after he copped. Friends would often tell him that they saw him passed out on the subway. They’d try to get his attention, but he was in his own world... More
2. Christmas Eve Dinner by Betty After Dark
Her legs still weak and her stance a bit wobbly, I wrapped my arm around her and led her out of the restaurant. The hotel was just a few blocks away. She was shivering. Was it the cold air or the orgasm?... More
3. Kelso McQuire by Johnny Hughes
The gamblers always stand in the back at West Texas funerals. In the middle of Kelso McQuire's funeral, Ice House Henry was whispering around and telling this fifty-year old story about Kelso, that not one living, breathing soul had ever heard before... More
4. Scared Santa by Dwayne Williamson
This amorphous blob of blood red fabric and snow white hair would release these grunts from its maw that shook my rib cage, causing me to tremble even more violently than before. Because Santa Clause scared the holy hell out of me... More
5. The Hunt by Gary Cox
When the son was young, the Father went deer hunting every year for a week at a time, right before Thanksgiving. The boy badly wanted to go with him, but was never considered old enough. He saw in his Father’s eyes how much he enjoyed that time, whether it was the actual hunt or the solitary time spent out there in the woods... More
6. Monday Evening LIVE in Theater! by Sigge S. Amdal
A middle-aged, disillusioned, smack-ridden woman in a wheelchair bemoans her disability when the subway seems one step too far. By the touch of a button she whirls off into the distant tunnel like the depart of an ancient ghoul... More
Milestones and mumblings....
Some milestones for you ;
-This crazy little place called Bedrock turned one month old today.
-This is the 29th post entered in those 31 days.
-My first Visitor’s: Bankwell, NutzFirth, The Wife and BadBlood keep on coming back.
-I’ve managed 360 something unique visitors in that short amount of time.
-Those visitors have created a little over 2800 hits on the site in a month.
-Bedrocks visitor breakdown is pretty eclectic, even by my standards.
-USA - New Zealand -India
-Canada - Japan -Denmark
-UK - Ireland -Italy
-Germany - Sweden
-Australia - Myanmar
-Bedrocks top referrers for the month were; The Wife, Sir Al and the lovely PokerTart.
My utmost appreciation to each of you.
Now, on to some mumblings ;
My first mumbling….. is to offer everyone a very Happy Hanukkah ! If this is your time, enjoy it and get the most out of it that you can. If this is not something you normally celebrate, WHY NOT ! Everyone I know could use a little more holiday time.
I was chased from the TuckFard Freeroll by Carson’s Mom. I knew she had my made 2-pair killed, as soon as I saw she was holding A-Q as her hole cards. Of course the typical Queen came for her on the river and that was that. My already made two pair with A-8 was junk and I was crippled. I then pushed crap–crap into TotalTilt with less than 5 BB left. The second I saw, “Damn Bam” appear in the chat box, I opened up the SnG’s and typed in “np.” I knew she had the pocket rockets before they flipped up. I don’t win races like that. (mostly ‘cause I don’t usually get into them) I was going to work on my come from behind victories for a bit, since my way ahead strategy seems to leave me more vulnerable to suck outs. But I figure suck outs only happen to good players and I’d rather be on that side myself. Yes indeed Virginia, the really is a grown up Bam-Bam.
With the early freeroll departure, I decided to go to work at the SnG’s and really commit myself to playing as I do. That was a good idea. I had 4 more wins out of the 5 SnG’s I had entered. I bubbled the second game by running K-K into A-A when both of us slow played a flop of A-K-x. I lost to good play. I can live with that too. Combined with a fairly decent showing last night, ( I didn’t play!
Very +EV !) the bankroll is solid enough to stay at the $5.50 level for a little while longer. That makes me pretty happy. I really want to get to the $11.00 level. I see it happening sooner, rather than later.
I finished the piece I was working on and I literally just sent it off to Pauly. We’ll see how that goes. Maybe if it’s half decent to him, I’ll pull one of the other old relics I’ve tossed away out and touch it up a bit too. I love writing and all the frustration that goes with it.
Pebble's seems to be doing just fine. I was amazed by how many out there have contacted me with some form of similar stories or situations. It's freaky that so many that read here, know something of this problem. Not to be mean by any stretch, it makes me feel a little bit better too. I don't feel so "why does this stuff only happen to us" anymore, if you know what I mean?
2 sleeps !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My sincerest thanks for dropping by….
-This crazy little place called Bedrock turned one month old today.
-This is the 29th post entered in those 31 days.
-My first Visitor’s: Bankwell, NutzFirth, The Wife and BadBlood keep on coming back.
-I’ve managed 360 something unique visitors in that short amount of time.
-Those visitors have created a little over 2800 hits on the site in a month.
-Bedrocks visitor breakdown is pretty eclectic, even by my standards.
-USA - New Zealand -India
-Canada - Japan -Denmark
-UK - Ireland -Italy
-Germany - Sweden
-Australia - Myanmar
-Bedrocks top referrers for the month were; The Wife, Sir Al and the lovely PokerTart.
My utmost appreciation to each of you.
Now, on to some mumblings ;
My first mumbling….. is to offer everyone a very Happy Hanukkah ! If this is your time, enjoy it and get the most out of it that you can. If this is not something you normally celebrate, WHY NOT ! Everyone I know could use a little more holiday time.
I was chased from the TuckFard Freeroll by Carson’s Mom. I knew she had my made 2-pair killed, as soon as I saw she was holding A-Q as her hole cards. Of course the typical Queen came for her on the river and that was that. My already made two pair with A-8 was junk and I was crippled. I then pushed crap–crap into TotalTilt with less than 5 BB left. The second I saw, “Damn Bam” appear in the chat box, I opened up the SnG’s and typed in “np.” I knew she had the pocket rockets before they flipped up. I don’t win races like that. (mostly ‘cause I don’t usually get into them) I was going to work on my come from behind victories for a bit, since my way ahead strategy seems to leave me more vulnerable to suck outs. But I figure suck outs only happen to good players and I’d rather be on that side myself. Yes indeed Virginia, the really is a grown up Bam-Bam.
With the early freeroll departure, I decided to go to work at the SnG’s and really commit myself to playing as I do. That was a good idea. I had 4 more wins out of the 5 SnG’s I had entered. I bubbled the second game by running K-K into A-A when both of us slow played a flop of A-K-x. I lost to good play. I can live with that too. Combined with a fairly decent showing last night, ( I didn’t play!
Very +EV !) the bankroll is solid enough to stay at the $5.50 level for a little while longer. That makes me pretty happy. I really want to get to the $11.00 level. I see it happening sooner, rather than later.
I finished the piece I was working on and I literally just sent it off to Pauly. We’ll see how that goes. Maybe if it’s half decent to him, I’ll pull one of the other old relics I’ve tossed away out and touch it up a bit too. I love writing and all the frustration that goes with it.
Pebble's seems to be doing just fine. I was amazed by how many out there have contacted me with some form of similar stories or situations. It's freaky that so many that read here, know something of this problem. Not to be mean by any stretch, it makes me feel a little bit better too. I don't feel so "why does this stuff only happen to us" anymore, if you know what I mean?
2 sleeps !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My sincerest thanks for dropping by….
An act of random Bam-Bam 'ness ....
Like I've often said, I write to think things out. Maybe "think things out" isn't exactly the right way to put it. Maybe it's more like work them out instead. Whatever! I write and I feel better. I've done more writing in the last two months than I have in my lifetime I think. I don't know where it's all coming from, or going for that matter. I do have a piece that I've been finessing more than the rest. If I can get it to where i want it to be, I might shoot a copy out to The Good Dr. for a future edition of Truckin'. We'll see.
Other than that one piece, my writing has gone along my chosen path of randomness. With that said, here's a list of things on my mind;
1) Without question, I have the best IIF's going! Bar none! Each of you, (and I know you know, who you are!) has come up with the right words at the right time, whenever I have needed to hear them. I cannot say enough, about how much you have meant to the both us, at critical times. The word appreciation just doesn't seem strong enough for what your sentiments have meant to me.
2) I am surrounded by a group of person's that I am proud to call my friends. As with the above, you all know who you are. Whatever it takes to make a day better, be it encouragement, laughter or whatever, I can always count on my friends. You make me feel very fortunate and proud to be part of our not-so-little circle.
3) Decembers Truckin' is out. All good reads and I highly recommend you get there. If you are not familiar with the concept of Truckin' you've really been missing some excellent reads every month. I suggest you take a look at back editions when you get a chance. Whether you're a blog reader or just like to read, there are some excellent works available every month.
4) I want to say I'm sick of snow. But I am worse than a realist. I'm a Canadian kid, livin' in the country, and it's only December 3. I will wait until oh say... March, to officially get totally sick of the stuff. Until then, I'll say "it sure makes things pretty."
Yeah... That's Canadian enough for me.
5) I really missed live poker this weekend ! I missed being with my friends at both the TuckFard Saturday night game, and representing Team TuckFard at the team challenge PPP. I hope to hear some results from everyone soon.
6) We have managed to put a man on the moon. We got a rover out and onto Mars that can send feeds back to Earth. A discovery team has managed to duplicate DNA well enough, that they can in fact create life from a test tube. All incredible feats for mankind. Why the hell don't we get all of these scientists together with all of the data available, so that they can work out a cure for the common cold?
7) I've realized that the biggest difference between myself and BadBlood is...the location of the decimal point, in relation to the 0. As I struggle through my personal on-line challenge at the current levels, I am holding fast at the $5.00 games. I started at $1 and have worked my way up through the numbers to $5. Where BadBlood, has gone from the $10 games and has worked his way up to as high as $50 I believe. I think he's moved back down to the $30 games for a bit, but if things don't change a little towards the far more profitable winning side soon, I might just have to drop back to the $3 level myself in a bit.
For the record, this actually means nothing at all, I just like comparing myself in some small way to my fellow BB.
8) Holding the love of your life in your arms while they're showing no signs of life, is something I hope none of my friends will ever have to go through. Even if it's only for seconds.
9) I'm scared as hell taking Pebbles out to Vegas this weekend, despite the fact that she say's she's fine. Until someone can explain exactly what happened and why, I think I will have this uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach at all times. I also am concerned a little in the back of my mind, that she may be putting on a bit of a brave front for me. This is not typically her style. But I know she does not want anything to ruin this weekend for either of us. We've both looked so forward to this, for so long now.
10) The Vegas Blogger Advent calendar here in the cave say's,
WoooooooooooooooooooooHoooooooooooooooooooooooo !!!!!!!!!!!!
I have made a list, I have checked it twice and I'm gonna be naughty, with those who've been nice. A lot of my IIF's, are about to become visible, Huggable and touchable ;o) IF's.
My sincerest thanks for dropping by ....
Other than that one piece, my writing has gone along my chosen path of randomness. With that said, here's a list of things on my mind;
1) Without question, I have the best IIF's going! Bar none! Each of you, (and I know you know, who you are!) has come up with the right words at the right time, whenever I have needed to hear them. I cannot say enough, about how much you have meant to the both us, at critical times. The word appreciation just doesn't seem strong enough for what your sentiments have meant to me.
2) I am surrounded by a group of person's that I am proud to call my friends. As with the above, you all know who you are. Whatever it takes to make a day better, be it encouragement, laughter or whatever, I can always count on my friends. You make me feel very fortunate and proud to be part of our not-so-little circle.
3) Decembers Truckin' is out. All good reads and I highly recommend you get there. If you are not familiar with the concept of Truckin' you've really been missing some excellent reads every month. I suggest you take a look at back editions when you get a chance. Whether you're a blog reader or just like to read, there are some excellent works available every month.
4) I want to say I'm sick of snow. But I am worse than a realist. I'm a Canadian kid, livin' in the country, and it's only December 3. I will wait until oh say... March, to officially get totally sick of the stuff. Until then, I'll say "it sure makes things pretty."
Yeah... That's Canadian enough for me.
5) I really missed live poker this weekend ! I missed being with my friends at both the TuckFard Saturday night game, and representing Team TuckFard at the team challenge PPP. I hope to hear some results from everyone soon.
6) We have managed to put a man on the moon. We got a rover out and onto Mars that can send feeds back to Earth. A discovery team has managed to duplicate DNA well enough, that they can in fact create life from a test tube. All incredible feats for mankind. Why the hell don't we get all of these scientists together with all of the data available, so that they can work out a cure for the common cold?
7) I've realized that the biggest difference between myself and BadBlood is...the location of the decimal point, in relation to the 0. As I struggle through my personal on-line challenge at the current levels, I am holding fast at the $5.00 games. I started at $1 and have worked my way up through the numbers to $5. Where BadBlood, has gone from the $10 games and has worked his way up to as high as $50 I believe. I think he's moved back down to the $30 games for a bit, but if things don't change a little towards the far more profitable winning side soon, I might just have to drop back to the $3 level myself in a bit.
For the record, this actually means nothing at all, I just like comparing myself in some small way to my fellow BB.
8) Holding the love of your life in your arms while they're showing no signs of life, is something I hope none of my friends will ever have to go through. Even if it's only for seconds.
9) I'm scared as hell taking Pebbles out to Vegas this weekend, despite the fact that she say's she's fine. Until someone can explain exactly what happened and why, I think I will have this uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach at all times. I also am concerned a little in the back of my mind, that she may be putting on a bit of a brave front for me. This is not typically her style. But I know she does not want anything to ruin this weekend for either of us. We've both looked so forward to this, for so long now.
10) The Vegas Blogger Advent calendar here in the cave say's,
WoooooooooooooooooooooHoooooooooooooooooooooooo !!!!!!!!!!!!
I have made a list, I have checked it twice and I'm gonna be naughty, with those who've been nice. A lot of my IIF's, are about to become visible, Huggable and touchable ;o) IF's.
My sincerest thanks for dropping by ....
Pebble's is home ....
We're home now and all seems fine. (I guess?)
I think we need to talk to Otis and the Mrs.!
Thanks to Otis and The Wife, for the very kind comments and concern. Also to Carson who as expected, let me know that whatever it would take, he'd be there for us. We never doubted it for a second brother!
What happened? Who knows? This could be the way Pebble's faints. It also could be some form of mild seizure. That could be the only one she ever has, or there could be more. Basically Otis' comment was repeated to us, "there really is no explanation. Sometimes, these things happen."
She was released to my care at about 11:00 am. She seems fine except for a serious case of the "tireds." I got my hug and shed my 'fear' tears and despite feeling a little un-settled and un-nerved about the event, I think I'm going to make it too.
My sincerest thanks for dropping by ....
I think we need to talk to Otis and the Mrs.!
Thanks to Otis and The Wife, for the very kind comments and concern. Also to Carson who as expected, let me know that whatever it would take, he'd be there for us. We never doubted it for a second brother!
What happened? Who knows? This could be the way Pebble's faints. It also could be some form of mild seizure. That could be the only one she ever has, or there could be more. Basically Otis' comment was repeated to us, "there really is no explanation. Sometimes, these things happen."
She was released to my care at about 11:00 am. She seems fine except for a serious case of the "tireds." I got my hug and shed my 'fear' tears and despite feeling a little un-settled and un-nerved about the event, I think I'm going to make it too.
My sincerest thanks for dropping by ....
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