
Frantic Friday : The hot 'n' cold Edition....(NSFW)

Well it's another Frantic Friday and lord knows you're all expecting me to pull another HAWT one out of my azz.

No wait! That didn't come out right!

I need a do over.

OK, so you came here expecting nothing but the finest :

OH man! I just can't seem to get anything going these days.

I think it's because it's :

don't you?

Everything slows down just a touch and our thoughts turn to things like :

and stuff.

Our trip out East was great and everything but in all honesty, I need another vacation and soon! I don't know about you, but to me this friggin' Summer has been nothing more than a, oh I don't know. Like an :

Here in Bedrock we've actually had way more like an extended Spring, than anything resembling Summer. There had been no really hot days and it seemed to me at least, as if it rained at least every second day or so. In other words, it really hasn't been all that great weather wise.

All that changed at the start of this past week. It's been :

ever since last Saturday.

Like really hot!

Far too hot to do most anything that causes you to exert any kind of energy at all. Not one piece of the :

is going to get done anytime soon, that's for sure.

I've even had to take a break from :

for the time being, as I'm having a really hard time finding a way to :

at the gym.

So since I've been spending a fair amount of time down there, I've begun to grow a great deal of :

for :

I love spending some quality time down there, :

and stuff!

While I was down there yesterday afternoon though, there was a really dramatic change in the :

and it was obvious to everyone, that some kind of cold front was coming in.

It got so windy all of a sudden too and many of the gals down there, were really worried about how messy their hair looked. I even got a shot of one of them.

I can't imagine being so damn worried about your hair when in all honesty, the only thing anyone should have been focussed on was how incredibly :

the sky had just become!

It was seriously about to do a little more than just rain!

Everything was not all :

This was Tornado weather for sure!

Now all the beach chicks were getting so worked up about getting wet. Sheesh! I mean, you're at the beach and there is water right! Getting wet was always supposed to be a possibility, if one is at a beach and trying to cool down.

Well I'll tell you what. I was not worried about it in the least.

I had my best :

on and :

for the occasion as well.

I was all set and having a great time.

Hell, the chick beside me even showed a touch of :

to one of her friends, to make her stop worrying about getting all wet and crap. I thought she was being very thoughtfull of her friend, so I gave her a little :

This paid off HUGE! As after all the really bad weather was over, she invited me back to her place to cool down even more. She took me inside where we shared a couple of :

It was great and weird, all at the same time. How this managed to cool me down and get me so hot at the same time, will probably remain one of life's little :

I guess!

Have a great weekend everyone and remember, keep each other hot AND cool as required! It's just what I think good friends should do for each other!

My sincerest thanks for dropping by....


The wake up call....

Today's the day that as North Americans, we should each take the time to realize how fortunate we really are.

Want to bitch about UIEGA?

Feel a stronger urge lately to get the anger about Health Care in your Country off your chest?

Are you sick and tired of the Political gibberish constantly being spewed in your general direction, no matter what party or leader is in control?

How about those effin' taxes! I mean REALLY!

Gas prices! Don't even get me started down that friggin' road!

We have so many problems in The U.S. & Canada, it's no wonder we're all so bloody miserable all the time!

But then day's like today roll around and hopefully, the message being sent is not lost on us due to our bullshit superiority complex. Quite seriously, our convoluted opinion of our higher station and importance in this world, needs to be reflected upon much, much deeper on day's like this folks!

Hell! If we really don't like something, a strong message can be sent to the correct source, merely by putting together a strong assemblage of like minded brethren to get the point across.

A few hours ago in Afghanistan, the first of the bloodshed started. By 7:00am local time here, at least 14 gathering places had to be shut down. The 17,000,000 Afghan people are going to have to make the toughest decision in their lives.

In fact, they are literally deciding what to do with their lives!

The, "gathering places?" Polling stations.
The "bloodshed?" Militants vowing to kill anyone that votes.
The "toughest decision?" To take your life in your own hands and try to change the direction your Province and Country, are headed.

To leave your home and attempt to vote, is to take a chance on dying.

Want to know why our troops are really dying in Afghanistan?

To give these brave souls the chance to vote, despite death threats.

To tell folks like this Volunteer, that what he's doing is a noble thing.

To do their best to protect a 'branded' voter, from the militants that are looking to kill him.

Photos courtesy of James Wray @ M & C.

Day's like this should present us propitious folk, with something pretty special. It's a wake up call telling us that everything really isn't that bad at all. At least we all have the right and ability to express our opinions, and on damn near anything at all. It's how we do it and what tact we show in doing so, that makes us who we are as a person. But as for what we are as a collective, there can be no doubt about that at all on a day like today.

We are the fortunate! Despite our regularly complaisant protests, moaning, thoughts and feelings, all usually to the contrary.

Good Luck people of Afghanistan! Good luck to our brave troops as well. What you do today by trying to Vote and make a change is a far, far nobler thing indeed!

My sincerest thanks for dropping by....


WPBT Golf ~ Blogger's, Booze & Balls....

Blogger's, Booze & Balls, Golf outing facts.

Who = The first 20 players to get CK $34 US for our deposit. Payment can be made to her via FullTilt (ck31) or PayPal. Please drop her a line here at ckbwop at gmail dot com for PayPal instructions.

What = A four person scramble, with teams made up by the organizers. There will also be two closest to the pin and one long drive contests, with prizes being awarded.

Where = Las Vegas National Golf Club.

When = December 11, 2009 @ 10:30am

Why = Because it's what all the cool kids will be doing that Friday morning!

How = Since we silly Bloggers are sooooooo speedy and reliable, (tongue FIRMLY planted in cheek) we're only making 20 spots available for this. We're using the deposit to guarantee us five sequential tee times. The base price is $99 for Golf & Cart. For those wishing to use the course rental clubs, it'll be $134 all-in. Price includes 2 free drinks!

CK will also need your full name and of course if you're going to be renting crubs, letting her know if you prefer refty or righty versions may work out better for you the day of!
Just sayin'. ;)

One other detail, before anyone gets their knickers in a knot either way! Because of their early, (and often!) interest in this event, the following players will be given first priority when filling the initial spots;

Bam-Bam all important self-linkage
Dr. Chako
The Wife
Pirate Lawyer
Joe Speaker
Astin (buddy #1)
Astin (buddy #2)

Having also shown interest, but still sitting on the fence right now are;

OH Captain

These good folk will have until Sept. 4 to get CK the $34 deposit. After that, the flood gates are going to be opened. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!
Silly bloggers. :)

OH and Astin the Official Blogger Golf Event Photographer, will also be there!

Of course my very special thanks go out to the best partner you could ever want in planning something like this, CK baby, YOU ARE THE BEST!

My sincerest thanks for dropping by....



A picture is worth at least one word!








Oh and one more, from just last night!


My sincerest thanks for dropping by....