
Be there and make a difference....

Last count I had was;

12 FullTilt Pros & 1 SoCo drinkin' Hippie

I expect to see a Lemur as well!

The facts:

Bad Beat on Cancer Tournament Tomorrow on FullTilt Poker

Tournament Details:

Place: Full Tilt Poker

Date: November 15th, 2009

Time: 6:15PM EST

Cost: $10 ($5 entry plus $5 donation to BBoC)

Tourney ID#: 113220604

My sincerest thanks for your support....


Frantic Friday : The 13th. Edition.... (NSFW)

No this is NOT the 13th. Frantic Friday! I think I'm coming up to number 50 or something like that. INSANE!

I was going to do a WSOP November 9 review today but for the real story, everyone with any sense knows that you can find a much better job of that over at Pauly's place! So honestly, why bother?

Instead I decided to make some kind of big deal about Friday the 13th. but when I started my day trying to get organized around these parts, it was becoming clear to me that I'd just written what just may be a pretty

See typically, I'm a big fan of Friday the 13th.

Not the movie goofballs! The day.

I've found that there seems to be a vast variety of

out there, on what exactly Friday the 13th. has to offer.

Some hate it and stay locked up inside, for fear of what the day may bring. Others jump on their bikes and celebrate the day no matter what the weather, down on the edge of Lake Erie with some Perch.

For me.... well.... I've just always managed to have some really great experiences on almost any Friday the 13th.!

Take last year for example.

I was sitting out on the back deck enjoying a nice cold beer, when all of a sudden there was a huge commotion coming from the house next door.

It seems that two of the neighbourhood hotties had gotten into a real

about something or other.

It turns out that Candy was all pissy about Robin doing her

so early in the morning.

Part of the problem was obviously the noise but apparently, there was more! It seems that Candy was also upset that Robin was not just looking but actually

while riding around the backyard!

I found out that while Robin was doing the mowing, Candy and her man Bob were out in their back room and in the middle of the throws of

Apparently at a very innapropriate time in their love making, Bob said something like, "Man doesn't Robin looks great in those

out there?"

Bob might have even gotten away with that one, that is until he also mentioned how much he was enjoying the

outfit Robin was wearing too!

I'd say silly boy but you know what?

That's just Bob and stuff like that well.... it just seems to be in his

to tell the truth!

So despite the fact that I was enjoying the show and wanted to give both Robin and Candy some exceptional

for their performance, I knew I was going to have to be the one to break that shit up!

So doing my best to seperate the two cuties, I tried to explain how much

it when we're all friends and and can't we all just get along?"

I told them to, "just blame it on Friday the 13th." and "let's move on with the rest of what's going to be a great day!"

Thankfully, they both agreed!

Then when I told them that they should probably

and make up, they both just stared at me like I had two heads.

"It's almost exactly the same as a French kiss girls." I explained, "only it's done down under!"

Once the laughter subsided, everyone went on to have a great Friday the 13th.

So even though nothing crazy like that has happened so far today, I'm certain that this Friday the 13th. will have it's moments too. At least they always seem to around here.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to run.

We're all getting together for a nice Fall walk through the woods today and I'm running a little behind.

Oh speaking of which!

I can't wait to tell Robin that I'll follow her along all of the trails. All I need to do now is come up with the right way to say

without making everyone in our group say

"here we go again!"

Happy Friday the 13th. everyone!

My sincerest thanks for dropping by....


I remember....

On the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month, I'll sit and reflect on everything I have and everything I can do. I'll thank the ones truly responsible, in my own personal way.

I'll look to the Heavens and thank those that may be there, through courage, effort and a belief in doing the right thing.

I'll look to the East and thank those that are still doing exactly that.

I'll go to our Memorial Square downtown, to personally thank those that have done their best on our behalf.

Today is the opposite of all of the things that Hallmark can't make me do. Like telling me when to show my love, or determining when I should bestow a gift upon a loved one.

You see to me, today is a day that actually deserves my attention.

I always try to remember and honestly, I can become pretty upset with myself for taking my freedom for granted. Today however, I dedicate to remembering as much as I can.

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

John McCrae

For those that have given and those that continue to do so, I remember. For what ever it's worth, know that you'll always have my sincerest thanks and highest gratitude.

I remain steadfast in my belief that if you can't stand behind our troops, please feel free to stand in front of them!

My sincerest thanks for dropping by....


Not as STUD-ly, as I was hoping....

Seeing that the Poker Slut game was STUD last night, I got myself signed up for some fun. Despite the end result, I did have a lot of fun as expected.

I couldn't get too much going at first, as it seemed that I was the only one getting any hands. That lead to a long run of collecting the antes and brings only. Of course that does help build the stack a little but as you can imagine, very little!

I finally ran a hand or two out with one or two others involved, and managed to hold on to win a few bigger pots. I felt like I was paying pretty good attention to detail and had enough game going, to hopefully get myself deep into the event.

I ran into this hand with SuperCon where with Scottc killing an open Ace, I was hoping SuperCon wouldn't buy that I had the split Aces. When I hit the two pair on fourth street and he still wasn't going anywhere, I figured SuperCon for a draw to the clubs. When SuperCon hit the Ace of clubs on fourth, it had to seem improbable at best that I had the Aces back. After fifth and sixth streets were delivered, I was starting to worry about a possible set that I may be up against. I was already willing to believe that it had become a busted draw but after seeing a few of the other holdings they'd shown, a small two-pair seemed more likely. I took the gamble on my read and went to seventh street, just hoping I was right.

The only other significant gamble I took, was when Numb counter-shoved for all-in on one of my completes. With two dead Aces I felt good about my Kings. If however he had the rolled up 6's, good for him and I would be gambling on a hard draw.

The gamble paid off and once again, I just got lucky at the right time.

I made one huge mistake late in the game, when I didn't pay attention early on to the dead outs of mine. I'd stayed in the hand far too long with what I was hoping was an open-ended straight flush draw. Only to whiff completely on any of my outs to make a hand. As I reviewed the hand wondering how I could have missed so many possible outs, I saw that the two cards to make the amazing hand I wanted had already come and gone. Hell! I even missed the two of my suit that were open folded.

HUGE mistake in STUD! One I'm not really used to either.

Scottc then ran over me on a couple of draw heavy hands I'd held. Again, with nothing coming to make a hand of any strength. Great game for Scotty too by the way! He came to final table as the shorty, with just 1270 something in chips. When I busted in third, he was a massive chip leader over second place. Hell of a run!

I was hoping for a better result to be honest, but to run deep in these things you just can't make the mistake that I did. I know SOOOOOOO much better than that, but the mental mistake still happened. That's all it takes to change your prospects for the win I'm afraid, one major blunder.

We'll get'em next time though!


My sincerest thanks for dropping by....