TuckFard Poker was a blast as always last night. We had 13 runners in The NLHE TuckFard Open, and then 12 players came out for the HORSE game an hour later.
In the NLHE game all of the regular TuckFards were out including, brudder Carson, DonKaaa, Suzy_Q, Queen_K and of course, the always tough RedNeckTuckFard. We also saw a special guest appearance by Jony2Pair which is always a pleasure! Steady regulars that showed up for the game included honourary Tuck
muhctim and oh so close to honourary,
MemphisMojo. The beautiful
Katitude brightened up or little table, as did a new friend from Belgium, Heroneus. There were also a couple of the Sunday team league players in the mix, with ShockerKitten and DodgeCityBandit helping to make it a fun and enjoyable start to the night.
Queen_K went out Gigli in our first game. She and Jony2Pair got all their chips in the middle in a battle of kickers. In the end, Jony's
K was a little too much for her
J. Thus leading to a very rare and unusual early exit, for her HAWTness!
I ran hot 'n' cold through the first game, making most of my chips off of blatant steal attempts made at my blinds or bets. Several times there were one or even two, interested in pumping up the pot and apparently being satisfied with taking it down right then. Large re-raises back at them with A-A twice, seemed just enough to let them know I felt like playing. These two hands alone, got me into double-stack territory. Now I was able to pick and choose hands according to situations and strategy. After seeing A-A twice in about the first 15 hands, I figured it would be a pretty long wait until I saw anything too special again. And it was!
Some small and medium pots were picked up along the way to getting down to four handed, but not really anything significant. I had to make 2 calls with very borderline holdings, both while in a blind and shorties jamming their chips into the pot. I typed in "sick call coming" because I had to figure I wasn't that much of a dog, but I had to be the dog. There just wasn't enough chips involved, to get me off of the hand. I won the first race against Jony2Pair when amazingly enough, I was actually ahead pre-flop. The second race was more like a slaughter! But again, no real impact to my stack so, I felt the need to take a stab. I also had Carson on the ropes with all his chips in pre, but my K-K was no match for the gazillion Aces that hit the board for his Asian-Jew. For some reason, these ones just seem to come naturally now and roll off me like water off a Duck. Do you think that means I'm getting better at this game, or just more cynical?
Poor Redneck was bubble-girl in game #1, as the "card-fairy" just completely ignored her until the very end. Then when she did pick up a few of her stronger hands, naturally she didn't have enough chips to scare anyone off. There were suck-outs, several of them actually, and she was done. Oddly enough, in her last hand my K-K managed to survive her Asian-Jew in some kind of redemption move for earlier on. It was just the wrong player to do it to. Carson was next, as he either went completely card dead, or was waiting to pick a spot. Memphis treated him like a ragdoll at times, but did double Carson up once. Again he played no hands for quite some time. Brudder Carson eventually moved in with K-8 I think, but he didn't have enough chips to push Memphis off of any hand after already committing so many chips. The call was made and if I remember correctly, Memphis held J-J to take Carson down. Then Memphis just kept it coming against me heads up too! He did have a 2-1 chip lead I think, so my work was cut out for me. After I popped the pot an additional $800 with Q-Q, Memphis made it $2500 to go. I sensed the opportunity to get some more information from him and figured I could see where I really stand, if I made it $4200. He flat called. Fine, at least now I know I'm up against any Ace! Well I'll be damned if an Ace doesn't just pop right out there on the flop. So typical and after his bet, all I can do is fold and type DAMN!
It was actually some pretty damn fine Poker to be honest! (just don't tell him I said so! ;) ) I really had nothing for Memphis at the end. Head's up, I got away with a couple of steals and didn't get a call when I really could have turned it around. Finally, I become the one with not enough chips to scare him off, and my J-J push means nothing to his stack. I think he flopped a Queen right off the bat, so it was all over but the drinking. So in game #1, I go home the first loser! VGG Memphis Sir, always a pleasure!
Game #2 of course, is HORSE. Something a little closer to home and my heart than NLHE. Most of the regulars made it out once again, but we were also joined by another of the honourary Tucks,
cem. I honestly have no Idea how cem Gigli'd the HORSE game, I was a little too busy watching Memphis run over me in the Hold'Em. Sorry I missed you cem, but if all goes well, hopefully I'll see you at your
Skillz game tonight. PLO8 right? Should be insane! We were also joined by an up and coming Tuckfard favorite, TheGoatLady. Talk about someone that fits right in to the TuckFard genre! Yikes, it's downright scary to think what damage we could do together in a home game! The Liver shudders and, the mind boggles!
I got off to a pretty good lead in the HORSE game. I had about 4 hands played total in the first 20 or so, and they were monsters that got paid off too! That helps get you through some of the dry spells. Then in Razz, I took a calculated risk against what could've been a made 5 with my made 6, it was a lucky guess and it paid off! The very next hand, I make my wheel on 6th, (improving from another made 6!) and get paid off HUGE when the situation is reversed. My opponent had a made 7 and made the same gamble I did earlier. It was a pretty lucky run to go on there!
Poor 'ole Redneck just had to bubble in this one too! I know that feeling, and I never wish it on her again! I know HORSE has some elements that are new to you Y, but I hope that you know that I love to see you keep coming out! You are definately our most improved player IMHO!
It came down to myself against two new players in our games. Unfortunately for them, they caught me as we switched over to Razz and then STUD. I was able to build some large pots and take them down fairly easily, each time I held a monster hand. Head's up came down to a no-brainer call of about 400 chips, on top of my 2000 in the BB. Funny enough, I was ahead once again and stayed there. So I finish 2nd. in the 1st. game, and 1st. in the 2nd. WooooOOOooooT me!
Also want to give a quick shout out to
The Doc. It was great to have you stop by for a visit last night. Sorry I couldn't talk a bit more, I was kinda' busy giving Memphis all my chips in one game, while trying to gather everyone elses at the time! ;)
= = = = =
And now for a question to all the "geeks" out there. Anyone have any idea what the deal is with the
kitchensink thingy going around? I got it popping up continuously at home. I can't administrate my blog, get into G-mail or do almost anything at all in google mode.