I had to come back in here for something, (can't remember what 'zactly!) when I stumbled upon a few comments that I had never posted up. There were 38 of them to be exact and funny enough, every one of them was on a Frantic Friday! I know I've neglected this place for awhile now due to acting fairly responsibly, (please don't tell anyone!) but I had no idea that the typical Bedrock Friday's had been missed by so many, so much! I mean really, who knew?
So although I really don't have the time here, I can't keep letting those of you interested in such things down. So hang on to your hats kiddiewinkles, it's about to get all
Besides, I really can't help myself anyhow right?
I mean, Frantic Friday's are like a part of me now.
Like, they're ingrained in my
or something.
Now I know that there are also going to be a few out there disapproving of another Frantic Friday here but hey, don't go getting all worked up about it and trying to give me
I am who I am and I will be 'till the end!
Besides if you really give it some good hard thought, Frantic Friday's are really just like cleavage right?
Maybe Frantic Friday's will end up being like a good Wine, Scotch or.....
All of which have one amazing thing in common,
I do have to admit that it feels really great posting another one of these up here right now. It's kinda' comforting, provocative, safe and sexy, all at the same time!
Does that make Frantic Friday my
As I sit here and put it all together, I can't help but find constant comparison's between Frantic Friday and so many other things to do out there. Maybe F.F.'s are not as bad as some would have me believe?
Example; Frantic Friday's are just like nature photography right?
I mean, in both cases
Listen, I know that Frantic Friday's are not exactly all about improving the world's
I get it.
But they are about a certain standard to which we have always held ourselves to. I mean think about it kids, even when we were all back in school we always ended up considering that one common theme right?
Well I have to admit that I was certain that I would not be getting one of these posted up here this
but now that I have I feel pretty damn good about getting it done!
Mostly because so many of you asked for the return of at least one more Frantic Friday and hey, ya'll know me....
With that I'd like to leave you with an educational moment if I could.
These things were never really set up to be about reading because heck,
I really do want to leave you with something to think about kids, and for that I'd like to share with you of one my favourite quotes of all time.
How's that for literacy within a Frantic Friday!
Okay, have to run.
So much to do, so little time!
I've got to get the last items I need together for Okie-Vegas next week and for the life of me I can't find my coozie. Lord knows I am going to need it
One last thought for those of you new to the place, or those of you that may not actually know me. All that you really need to know about this kid is simple.
They say that
I find them all quite pleasing if you want the truth!
My sincerest thanks for dropping by....
The big tease....
I don't know about ya'll but me, I believe it's time for a little Frantic Friday fun! Let's just see what tomorrow brings, shall we?
My sincerest thanks for dropping by....
My sincerest thanks for dropping by....
The death of a BLAH-G....
Long time no nothin' kids....
Nothin' but work!
I've been spending more time considering what I've accomplished in my time in the Bloggerverse here, than I have on the living for the now part that I loved so much.
"Looking back is no way to live".
~Freddy Mercury
Then there's the real me.

Yay me!
What I thought was my fav of all time in

was merely my contrived "sense of belonging" in our community.
When I look back at how this shit all really went down I have to say, I'm not sure I could've done it all any luckier!
The goal when I started this crap was simple....
Get someone to read my drivel.
Then the goals got a bit loftier!
1) Drink Al under the table (check)
2) Play in a G-Vegas game with Blood and Otis (check)
3) Get some time in Vegas with the kids (check, check, check, check, check, check AND check)
4) Find a HAWTIE that wants to be around me (check, check, check, check, check, check, check.... ad infinitum)
5) Get a real man to cook ELK for me (check)
6) Meet The BlogFather (check, check, check, check and hopefully, NEVER check out DAMMIT!)
7) Thank our troops (check)
8) Drink one, (maybe two'ish) with a guy (check)
9) Speak like a fool on BDR (check)
10) Buy Pauly a drink (check, check, check, check, well.... you get the idea)
11) Shoot the shit with JJ and DRIZZ on the Golf course (check)
12) Win a "Big Game" (check) Win The Skills Game (check) Win a BBT game (check) win a Dank (check)
What can I say?
Raised simple, born lucky.
For those of you keeping score however, there's always #13....
Get my ass to OKIE-VEGAS and its only 10 days from right now so hey!
Let's call it "soon to be CHECK"!
My sincerest thanks for dropping by....
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