Well.... It's another Frantic Friday!
So of course we all know what that means!
We here in Bedrock, should be discussing some :
and :
Trust me, it's a service I am entirely willing to provide for you dear reader.
Our weekly dose of some Frantic Friday :
and :
has been known to help me get through the week at times.
Occasionally, I think of nothing but a little :
and :
Quite often in fact, ( I can honestly admit ) it's all I ever manage to think about!
I say.... whatever helps to get you through the day!
And some day's, can be a bit longer than others. Those days are where a little :
and :
can make all the difference in the world!
But on this Frantic Friday, there are other devious misadventures on the go as well.
You see, Peb's and I are "Rumblin" all the way down South to see a bunch of good friends, probably as you're reading this as a matter of fact.
Our plans are pretty simple.
We should finish off the drive in plenty of time to get ourselves in "Stumblin" condition with the gang, sometime early Saturday afternoon. From that point on all we have to do is celebrate our wedding anniversary, with about 15 to 18 of our closest Mastodon friends.
That debauchery should lead us to the "Bumblin" that will be required, for the 14 hour trip home on Sunday.
I've heard that waking up the Hippie to take him across to Charlotte at 8:00am. Sunday morning, could possibly pose a bit of a challenge! But I've been through worse!
So for today's edition of Frantic Friday, I'm afraid you'll just have to make due with a little bit of :
and :
and hope that it can get you through.... until the next edition of Frantic Friday!
Where :
and :
may just be a factor, once again.
Oh...... and is it just me.... or is Jessica actually an awful lot prettier, when she's not wearing any makeup?
My sincerest thanks for dropping by....
Pay as you go I get, BUT DAMN ....
A friend recently had an issue with his cell but thought, no biggie! I'll zip into this little strip mall and use a payphone. A quick trip around the perimeter, resulted in exactly zero payphones located. Surprised just a touch, my buddy figured that the payphones must have been relocated into one of the stores. "Probably for security and safety" he said. So into the first of a series of stores he did wander.
"There's one over near the Gas Station" he was told.
So over to the station he toddled. "Where the hell's the payphone?" he muttered. It was eventually found, just behind the pile of snow pushed back there, by the plows doing the mall parking lot. Thankfully, there was a small foot path just barely visible, leading behind the mound of snow and into the booth. "Success!" my pal proclaimed.
With that he simply dropped his quarter into the phone and would dial the required number, as soon as he had a dial tone of course. He waited, and waited, and waited... no dial tone!
Then he heard a voice, "You have a credit of $0.25 on this phone. For an additional $0.25, a local call may be placed. How do you wish to proceed?"
Me = *blink - - - blink*
I remember as cell phones were becoming smaller in size and WAY more portable, thinking to myself, "no ones ever going to use a pay phone again, now that they jacked the price up from $0.10 to a Quarter!" It just never made sense to me at that time, and it really doesn't now. Why the hell put the price up 100%, when you can't get anyone to use your service anymore anyway? What successful business model is this copying?
Anywho.... apparently it was my turn next.
The Deathmobile™ has developed a slow leak in the front right tire over the last couple of months. Not bad enough to drive me crazy and make it a MUST repair, but enough to get me to make a stop at an air pump say, once a month or so. Yesterday was "air" day for me. So I pulled into the same Gas Station that I have used for this purpose and many, many of my hundreds of fill ups, throughout my 7 years of commuting back and forth to hell. I grab the nozzle and head around to the tire in need of some fresh O. Off comes the valve stem cap and with the proper pressure applied between nozzle and valve stem........... nothing!
Now I know the folks at this station pretty intimately. I see most of them at least three times a week. So I'm going to be the good guy here and let them know their pump done gone and broke. That's just how I roll. So off I stroll to the Self Serve cashier and I say, "Mike. You might want to let someone know that there's something wrong with you air pump right now."
He looks at me with that all too familiar Self Service Gas Station Cashier 'Dear in the Headlights' look and says, "That can't be right! They just did all that work on it yesterday. Damn! Someones gonna' get their butt kicked!"
"Hey Boss! Mike shouts out towards the back office. "Someone busted your new pump already!
As I accompanied the "Boss" back out to the pump, I noticed his muttering and mumbling consisted mostly of four letter adjectives, apparently designed solely for the purpose of descriptive narratives on air pump assembly, and some service technicians family members.
As we arrived at the pump he glanced my way and mumbled, "so what's it doing?"
That was an easy one.... "nothing" I uttered.
After a good thorough looking at and YES, performing the Male equivalent of the Female shaking something broken, a good solid smack of a closed fist down onto the top of the unit, he at first seemed satisfied that I was in fact telling it like it was.
"The damn things brand new and busted already!" he let out with a sigh.
Then he reached down into his pocket and took something out. Far too small to be a tool of any value it seemed to me, but with a couple of flicks of his wrist out in front of that pump, whatever tool he used had brought the pump back to life!
It was at that very moment that I felt "the look" coming in my direction, from the "Boss."
"You're shitting me right?" he said, as I felt his eyes trying to burn deep within my soul.
"What?" I asked.
"Are you fucking serious here? C'mon!" he said, with his back slightly turned to me.
"What the hell are you trying to say exactly my friend? Not the greatest in customer service etiquette lessons you're demonstrating right at this moment Sir." I vented in his general direction.
(Riggs - think kid asking for a smoke!)
"Did you or did you not, put the fifty-cents in the fucking machine?" he growled at me.
ME = *blink- - - blink*
I paused to take in what he'd asked for about ten seconds or so, but it was at that exact moment of realization, that the roles between us two combatants, had reversed to diametrically opposed.
"You're shitting me right?" I said, as I focused my eyes squarely upon his.
"What?" he asked.
"Are you fucking serious here? C'mon!" I screamed. "You want $0.50 for some fucking air! Fifty fucking cent air? Seriously? No really, SERIOUSLY!
Please tell me....
Where have the day's gone, where as a customer pulling up to the business of your choice, you were treated to actual customer service? If you're at the ripe young age of 46 or older, you must remember when you had to actually tell the service station attendants that everything was just fine. They did not have to check your oil, empty your ashtray or take your garbage away and they most certainly did NOT! have to check the air in your tires as a courtesy, every single time you pulled into their little corner of the world!
The business models used today for customer service in general, seriously need to consider an outright enema!
That said, I highly recommend that all consumers consider the service aspect of any purchases they make or plan to make in the remaining time we have on this big flying rock. For if we continue to allow ease and convenience and outright greed of the purveyor's of product to make the decisions for us, we have no right to complain about being shit upon, by any of them that deem it necessary to do so.
= = = =
OH..... and don't even get me started on this crap! I have no idea WTF I was thinking!
If I can undo the total lack of geekiness I carry around with me 24/7 for just long enough to figure out what to do with this stuff. You may be able to follow along with me HERE.
Just don't expect too much.... too soon!
My sincerest thanks for dropping by....
"There's one over near the Gas Station" he was told.
So over to the station he toddled. "Where the hell's the payphone?" he muttered. It was eventually found, just behind the pile of snow pushed back there, by the plows doing the mall parking lot. Thankfully, there was a small foot path just barely visible, leading behind the mound of snow and into the booth. "Success!" my pal proclaimed.
With that he simply dropped his quarter into the phone and would dial the required number, as soon as he had a dial tone of course. He waited, and waited, and waited... no dial tone!
Then he heard a voice, "You have a credit of $0.25 on this phone. For an additional $0.25, a local call may be placed. How do you wish to proceed?"
Me = *blink - - - blink*
I remember as cell phones were becoming smaller in size and WAY more portable, thinking to myself, "no ones ever going to use a pay phone again, now that they jacked the price up from $0.10 to a Quarter!" It just never made sense to me at that time, and it really doesn't now. Why the hell put the price up 100%, when you can't get anyone to use your service anymore anyway? What successful business model is this copying?
Anywho.... apparently it was my turn next.
The Deathmobile™ has developed a slow leak in the front right tire over the last couple of months. Not bad enough to drive me crazy and make it a MUST repair, but enough to get me to make a stop at an air pump say, once a month or so. Yesterday was "air" day for me. So I pulled into the same Gas Station that I have used for this purpose and many, many of my hundreds of fill ups, throughout my 7 years of commuting back and forth to hell. I grab the nozzle and head around to the tire in need of some fresh O. Off comes the valve stem cap and with the proper pressure applied between nozzle and valve stem........... nothing!
Now I know the folks at this station pretty intimately. I see most of them at least three times a week. So I'm going to be the good guy here and let them know their pump done gone and broke. That's just how I roll. So off I stroll to the Self Serve cashier and I say, "Mike. You might want to let someone know that there's something wrong with you air pump right now."
He looks at me with that all too familiar Self Service Gas Station Cashier 'Dear in the Headlights' look and says, "That can't be right! They just did all that work on it yesterday. Damn! Someones gonna' get their butt kicked!"
"Hey Boss! Mike shouts out towards the back office. "Someone busted your new pump already!
As I accompanied the "Boss" back out to the pump, I noticed his muttering and mumbling consisted mostly of four letter adjectives, apparently designed solely for the purpose of descriptive narratives on air pump assembly, and some service technicians family members.
As we arrived at the pump he glanced my way and mumbled, "so what's it doing?"
That was an easy one.... "nothing" I uttered.
After a good thorough looking at and YES, performing the Male equivalent of the Female shaking something broken, a good solid smack of a closed fist down onto the top of the unit, he at first seemed satisfied that I was in fact telling it like it was.
"The damn things brand new and busted already!" he let out with a sigh.
Then he reached down into his pocket and took something out. Far too small to be a tool of any value it seemed to me, but with a couple of flicks of his wrist out in front of that pump, whatever tool he used had brought the pump back to life!
It was at that very moment that I felt "the look" coming in my direction, from the "Boss."
"You're shitting me right?" he said, as I felt his eyes trying to burn deep within my soul.
"What?" I asked.
"Are you fucking serious here? C'mon!" he said, with his back slightly turned to me.
"What the hell are you trying to say exactly my friend? Not the greatest in customer service etiquette lessons you're demonstrating right at this moment Sir." I vented in his general direction.
(Riggs - think kid asking for a smoke!)
"Did you or did you not, put the fifty-cents in the fucking machine?" he growled at me.
ME = *blink- - - blink*
I paused to take in what he'd asked for about ten seconds or so, but it was at that exact moment of realization, that the roles between us two combatants, had reversed to diametrically opposed.
"You're shitting me right?" I said, as I focused my eyes squarely upon his.
"What?" he asked.
"Are you fucking serious here? C'mon!" I screamed. "You want $0.50 for some fucking air! Fifty fucking cent air? Seriously? No really, SERIOUSLY!
Please tell me....
Where have the day's gone, where as a customer pulling up to the business of your choice, you were treated to actual customer service? If you're at the ripe young age of 46 or older, you must remember when you had to actually tell the service station attendants that everything was just fine. They did not have to check your oil, empty your ashtray or take your garbage away and they most certainly did NOT! have to check the air in your tires as a courtesy, every single time you pulled into their little corner of the world!
The business models used today for customer service in general, seriously need to consider an outright enema!
That said, I highly recommend that all consumers consider the service aspect of any purchases they make or plan to make in the remaining time we have on this big flying rock. For if we continue to allow ease and convenience and outright greed of the purveyor's of product to make the decisions for us, we have no right to complain about being shit upon, by any of them that deem it necessary to do so.
= = = =
OH..... and don't even get me started on this crap! I have no idea WTF I was thinking!
If I can undo the total lack of geekiness I carry around with me 24/7 for just long enough to figure out what to do with this stuff. You may be able to follow along with me HERE.
Just don't expect too much.... too soon!
My sincerest thanks for dropping by....
Just me and a half million friends....
That bit about us not really appreciating what we’ve got from yesterday, got me to thinking about how much we really do take for granted. Recently, I’d taken a little time to myself to sit back and collect my thoughts on this whole online Poker phenomenon. As I was about to sit down at another one of the virtual tables, I realized that I was only one of the more than 68,000 folks signed on to this one site at that particular moment. 68,000 !
As I was waiting for the event to fill up, curiosity got the best of me and I had to open up another site. When I did, I was amazed to find another 54,000 players sitting down in that virtual environment as well.
Nearly 125,000 players! That’s a fair sized city all playing Poker on-line.
So as I sat and reflected on numbers of that magnitude, it started to dawn on me that these are only two of the available sites. There are thousands, no wait! Tens of thousands of other players, playing on several of the different sites also available out there. It actually boggles the mind just a little. So this really got me going! I checked in on three other sites and found a total of 170,000 plus playing on them also. I had to start checking into all of the Poker sites I know about. Any idea what the grand total was that I came up with?
On Saturday night at around 10:30 pm EST., there were enough players to be ;
-the general population of the entire state of North Dakota.
-the entire city of Winnipeg, Manitoba.
-all of the folks that live in Surrey and Burnaby, British Columbia combined. Hell, you could throw the folks from Kamloops in there too!
Over 650,000 players were playing Poker on-line!
I don’t know, maybe it’s just me. But I find those numbers to be absolutely unbelievable. The word phenomenon doesn’t seem appropriate or even big enough, all of a sudden.
Doesn’t anyone else find it incredible, how easy it is for us to sign up and sit down for a game of Poker? I mean think about it. In about one minute, you can take part in a game with just about anyone, from just about anywhere at just about anytime.
Let's face it! If you want to play Texas Hold’em, there’s always a game registering where you can play online Poker games.
I guess my point is…..
The world sure has come an awful long way since Atari Pong, hasn’t it?
My sincerest thanks for dropping by….
As I was waiting for the event to fill up, curiosity got the best of me and I had to open up another site. When I did, I was amazed to find another 54,000 players sitting down in that virtual environment as well.
Nearly 125,000 players! That’s a fair sized city all playing Poker on-line.
So as I sat and reflected on numbers of that magnitude, it started to dawn on me that these are only two of the available sites. There are thousands, no wait! Tens of thousands of other players, playing on several of the different sites also available out there. It actually boggles the mind just a little. So this really got me going! I checked in on three other sites and found a total of 170,000 plus playing on them also. I had to start checking into all of the Poker sites I know about. Any idea what the grand total was that I came up with?
On Saturday night at around 10:30 pm EST., there were enough players to be ;
-the general population of the entire state of North Dakota.
-the entire city of Winnipeg, Manitoba.
-all of the folks that live in Surrey and Burnaby, British Columbia combined. Hell, you could throw the folks from Kamloops in there too!
Over 650,000 players were playing Poker on-line!
I don’t know, maybe it’s just me. But I find those numbers to be absolutely unbelievable. The word phenomenon doesn’t seem appropriate or even big enough, all of a sudden.
Doesn’t anyone else find it incredible, how easy it is for us to sign up and sit down for a game of Poker? I mean think about it. In about one minute, you can take part in a game with just about anyone, from just about anywhere at just about anytime.
Let's face it! If you want to play Texas Hold’em, there’s always a game registering where you can play online Poker games.
I guess my point is…..
The world sure has come an awful long way since Atari Pong, hasn’t it?
My sincerest thanks for dropping by….
Just saying it like it is....
"We live in an amazing, amazing world, and it's wasted on the crappiest generation of spoiled idiots." - Louis CK
I'm not sure how I missed this but if you don't recognize that quote either, you've got to go HERE to see the whole thing.
Absolutely genius !!!
My sincerest thanks for dropping by....
I'm not sure how I missed this but if you don't recognize that quote either, you've got to go HERE to see the whole thing.
Absolutely genius !!!
My sincerest thanks for dropping by....
Being the Mastodon that I am....
A few of my favorite things are all happening together this coming weekend. The only problem is, they're all happening in G-Vegas. But if you know me, that's not really a problem at all is it!
We mildly adjust the schedule here and there, perform an oil & filter on the Red-Rubble-Racer and BAM !
(I have mad graphix skillz no!)
If you're looking for me this weekend, forget the dial-a-shot technique. I'll be the one next to you at the bar!
My sincerest thanks for dropping by....
We mildly adjust the schedule here and there, perform an oil & filter on the Red-Rubble-Racer and BAM !
(I have mad graphix skillz no!)
If you're looking for me this weekend, forget the dial-a-shot technique. I'll be the one next to you at the bar!
My sincerest thanks for dropping by....
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