
VeryJosie it is then....

Looks like a pretty high potential for a rain-out in Bedrock tonight. We've had no rain of any value since 2010 started so, who am I to complain?

So go ahead and turn that frown upside down Josie.
Looks like I'm in like Flynn!

“I like my whisky old and my women young.”
~Errol Leslie Thomson Flynn

So I guess we need a new tune now huh?
This one's well worth crankin' up!

See everyone tonight hopefully.
Oh I did register, but the rain won't be chasing me too far away from my game.

My sincerest thanks for dropping by....

1 comment:

Josie said...

Excellent! Now if you REALLY want to make me smile you might wanna donk your chips off to me. :)