
Frantic Friday : The azz expected Edition....(also prolly NSFW)

Knowing that I'm going to sit down and have a drink, (or twelve) with my fellow BB in about a week, I figured I'd better follow up on my promise to help find him some perfect azz.

I didn't want last weeks effort to be left as a mere tease :

I said I'd find the man some :

so I went on a week long journey. My mission, find BadBlood some really, really :

Actually, I took it one step further just for him. I decided to see if I could find him :

that might just be capable, of leaving him :

So I grabbed a :

and headed out the door. Of course, I made sure to give the :

a great big hug and kiss goodbye, before jumping into The Deathmobile™ for the long, but worthwhile journey.

When my excursion started with me noticing a huge :

I knew that this was an omen. Unfortunately for me, this was not just going to be any old :

I wouldn't be hanging out my :

sign, or waiting around to witness the absoloutely breathtaking :

No on this trip, I'd be playing a game of :

and cull her out of the candidates. I'd be telling the ones in the :

that they should have really gone with a :

Then I'd have to tell most of them, that it isn't too much of a :

to see, that I was expecting just a little :

rather than just someone doing another version of :

When I finally came across what I thought just might be the perfect :

I made sure to get a good picture of it for my fellow BB. Oh.... I also had a really nice conversation with her, and found out that :

I figure that should take care of that now, and BadBlood should be seeing nothing but :

wherever his journey may take him, for the rest of his day.

For next Frantic Friday, I've been delving into my own secret favorite pastime, the weather! I'll have some tips on the effects of cold & damp :

and some fantastic tips and tricks, to keep your hands from freezing off.

So until then, have a great weekend everyone and....

My sincerest thanks for dropping by....


gadzooks64 said...

Comment to follow after I catch my breath.

Epic as always.

BadBlood said...

So, any chance of these folks making the trek with you? See you in a week sir, fun awaits.

OhCaptain said...

I learn so much about poker and life by reading this blog, unfortunately, I might just need to move you in reader ;-)