
I don't care....

The first person to talk to me today, (besides my darling wife) set me off on a path of anger and destruction. He is currently available for any employment opportunities he may happen to come across. Each of the next three "people" to approach me, only made it worse. One of whom, has suddenly become unemployed as well. In this day and age and time of uncertainty, stealing from me has to be just about the stupidest decision one could ever make. May heaven take mercy on the next "people" that try and do or say something stupid around me.

I really thought I'd made myself clear at the beginning of the year but just in case, fair warning! I've fuckin' had it with "people."

This could end up being.... a rather long day!

My sincerest thanks for dropping by....


VinNay said...

Sorry man, sounds like your morning sucked. Here's to a better afternoon.

Riggstad said...

I LIVE for days like this!


*go easy pardner!

BadBlood said...

Glad I read this before right-clicking the ass photos and saving them locally.

gadzooks64 said...

What does it say about me that that song is currently among my favorites?

Hope things get better for you before you go all postal on somebody.

Unknown said...


It'll be ok, especially when Peb's meets you at the door with a hug and a kiss.

Look foward to everlasting and unconditional love.

If she's short right now, ask Waffles :-)

I think I saw a smile (ducking)


I'll check in later :-)

Baywolfe said...

The 1970's remake of the Wizard of OZ, The Wiz, pretty much sucked except for Eviline's title song, "Don't Nobody Bring Me No Bad News!"

At times when I'm in my little dark place, I often hum that tune to myself and smile.

Here's to brighter days and darker scotch.

Wolfshead said...

Damn, Bam has gone Riggsy on us. Save some of that salt for the roads, winter ain't over yet.

Seriously, hope your day improves

Astin said...

Just adopt my mantra.

People are stupid.

Also, people suck, and everyone but me is stupid. I keep these in mind and everything goes easier.

CEMfromMD said...

I am totally with what Astin says. Hope your day has gotten somewhat better Bam-Bam