
For those that have an extra 30 seconds....

We'll take all the help we can get right now.

For those I ran into at the Skillz STUD game last night, you'll realize that I donked off my stack in 8th. place in quite a hurry. I am sorry about that. But I'm not the type to just sit out and let my stack ride it out.

We got a call that wasn't good news. Fred, (Peb's dad) was admitted to Hospital late last night. There seems to be an issue with some internal bleeding. If you have any special connections to a superior power, I sure would appreciate it if you could put in a good word for him.

My sincerest thanks for dropping by....


Unknown said...

Hey Big Guy could you please help Fred in his time of need? May you watch over him and his friends.


p.s. All you have to do is ask. Call me if you need anything Bam-Bam!

Schaubs said...

Sending good vibes to Fred as I type.

Hang tough Bammer.

The NL Wife said...

I don't know how good my connections are these days with higher powers . . . but my thoughts are with you and your girl and her dad . . .

May they help.

My final out said...

All the best bam-bam. I will be keeping Fred in my thoughts.


DrChako said...

Best wishes. If you need a second opinion, give me a call.


Riggstad said...

Dude! I am just getting around to reading and I have the kids praying for Fred right now.

Best goes out to all you...

Nothing but the best!