
A Brandy Night....

Occasionally around the cave here, if you hold your tongue just right and do your best to pay attention to your surroundings, you'll run into what we have branded, A Brandy Night.

It starts with returning home from an exceptional weekend away with both, Fred and Wilma. We had issues getting insurance for Fred for a planned trip to Vegas. The immediate alternative of course became the local Casinos, of both Rama and Niagara. All three of which we could make a day trip of and be home in plenty of time for a couple hours sleep, before a nice big family breakfast. That feature alone, takes all of the fun out of the trip for Fred. It is a bit of time at a Casino, (Fred's fav) but it's just not really getting away.

We compromised.

*Pic sucks I know! Try taking good ones yourself, after emptying a bottle (or three) of 15 YR old Glen Livet on the house. ;)

Seneca Casino is right across the river in Niagara Falls NY. Close enough to get back to our all important health care but, across the border and feeling a little more like an actual road trip. Win-Win for Fred!

Coming home is always pretty special for Peb's and I. It's pretty hard to describe our love for the cave and all of it's surroundings really. Coming home to some is all about a house and familiarity and honestly, that makes me sad just a touch. It makes me wish that those that do just that, could somehow magically experience the feeling of home. Something that hits you where you really live you know? (FWIW ~ I truly hope so!)

Our evening return started with a display of colour that will always in my humble opinion, put the lights of Vegas to shame. The red, green, yellow and orange hues in our Deciduous and Coniferous area, could put any artist's pallet to the test. At least according to the local artist, our very own Not-So-Mini-Pebs.

Some out there will always pine for the slightly moist yet warming comfort, that a western ocean breeze can provide. Others fall faint at the sight of a 90 foot shadow from a six-foot Golfer at 10 PM in July, while striding a course somewhere in South Cacalacky. We once even heard a very, very kind man extol the virtues of The Aurora Borialus so resplendently, once in Alaska we were sure we'd found Mecca and all of the incredible bounty that only she the resplendent, could possibly have had to offer. Only to have that fine gentleman who became a truly good friend to us both, become as speechless as a monk once a Brandy Night, made it's way so very deep in to his soul. For the record, we both wept as we watched him.

The making of a Brandy Night

Take a warming Sunset over the backyard and add a few Willows, white & silver Birches and of course, one or two 100 year old Oak trees for perfection. Allow the setting Sun to kiss as it were, only the tippy tops of said phenomenal and can I just add, perfect woodage.

Once at that point, do your best to avoid allowing the sight of the brilliant yellow against the truly darkest and deepest red Maples you have ever seen in your life to sink in, just a touch. To take it to absolute perfection for a Brandy Night, allow yourself a moment to forget what just may be happening BEHIND your home! Trust me kids, this totally takes a Brandy Night to an entirely new level!

As the brilliance starts to fade in front of your eyes, something like a tropical Caribbean Sunset, a good Brandy Night will include the remembrance that hey IDIOT! A little sumpin' sumpin, just may be happening in your own friggin' backyard!

Something that combines the taking of and the putting in of,

the wind in your sails.

Something that makes you hold your breath for so long,

you find yourself feeling a little weak in the knees, just at the resplendent sight you find in front of you.

When you see it for yourself hopefully, you'll find it to be the perfect Brandy Night for you and your loved one(s).

All this to say my dear reader, I know I can't write worth a shit. At least not nearly good enough to put into words, how truly amazing the view tonight really was. I also know my eye for a picture is lacking the subtlety and magnification required, to truly capture the mood on a really good Brandy Night here at the cave.

But hopefully my friends you've lived a few dozen if not more, Brandy Nights of your own.

My sincerest thanks for dropping by....


DrChako said...

Living one now!


Astin said...

Wait, when were you at Seneca? I was there with a few other bloggin' kids on Saturday afternoon. They lamented the overflowing poker room and interminable waitlist, while I kept throwing dice down the felt.

BamBam said...

We were there all weekend Astin. Poker room was a bust for me too. We ran the let It Ride table from 10:00 AM to about 4:30 on Saturday. Would've been great to get together!


Josie said...

What breathtaking photos. Are you SURE that's CANADA?? I may have to rethink my Canadian aversion.

btw the words were as beautiful as the photos.

Astin said...

D'oh! That's what I get for not even looking at the table games. Would have picked you kids out in a second if I hadn't beelined for craps.

Next time!