
Five days just isn't enough....

In just five short days I managed to work my not so little anymore, azz off. There are now new toilets in both bathrooms, two new faucets in those same bathrooms, a new garage door opener where the old one once hung, a new energy efficient water heater replacing the old one, the inter-locking brick out of the garage has been lifted and replaced and about 50% of the old deck, has been re-surfaced with newly treated and stained Spruce. (Pressure treated wood and I, just don't get along) I decided to go with the Golden Oak colour for those stain-curious. Possible pics in the next few days.

During those same five days, I also managed to keep a brewery and distillery from declaring bankruptcy or at least, from needing to ask for some type of government bailout packages. Yes! That rise in Molson stock can be directly attributable to someone that you all know and love. I do like to do what I can for the local economy.

I also managed to fit a Pig Roast in there somewhere and we all came up with the exact same conclusion. Pig is nummy and therefore, PETA can kiss our pork filled azzes.

OH yeah..... I also did my absolute favorite thing of all time too............................................................................................................................ MIND'S OUT OF GUTTER PEOPLE............. It's NOT a Frantic Friday!

I met a bunch of new friends and even better than that, I really got to know a couple of friends I'd had for some time now. All totally bonus time to me.

Oh and for those that stop by here that really know me, I also spent some quality time with my Dad. Yes you read that right! I made the call and we got together. Your advice was duly noted and considered for some time. I can't thank each of you enough, (and you know who you are!) for helping me set things straight. Three days will never make up for the lost time in total, but it was one hell of a start.

Oh yeah......... there was also Poker! It was of the Omatard variety and despite my obvious lack of skill and total understanding, I managed not to lose too much money at all! Seven sessions and a total of 9 hours of play and entertainment, all at the super-duper value price of -$1.00 total. An apparently, (now!) very typical boat over boat last hand, saved me from being a little more than $50'ish to the good.

Life may indeed be just one long session but the Poker hoof in the nutz this weekend, held nothing over the happy times with friends and family.

My sincerest thanks for dropping by....


KenP said...

Golly but I'm lucky being single. Hopefully the wives of all the others missed reading this blog. If not, there will be blood in the streets.

Riggstad said...

5 days actually seemed pretty ample. I mean, you got everything done!

Scotch Scotch and more scotch.

A nice Lagavullen should sufffice

I feel a get together soon :)

BWoP said...

Wow. That's a whole lotta lotta going on up there in Bedrock!

Miss you much!

Memphis MOJO said...

Sounds like you were b-u-s-y! Good for you.

"Possible pics in the next few days."

Look forward to them.