
Dear Packers....

My Dear Packers,

As part owner of the team, I thought I'd take this opportunity to throw in my two cents worth on the run you've had so far in the playoffs. Please DO NOT waste what could best be described as the greatest opportunity in an NFL season, for any #6 seeded team in history. I hope that you'll continue to remain a humble and workman like team as you have, and leave the superiority complex and superstar thinking to the simple minded fan, such as myself.

The other 111,500 or so shareholders and I all agree, keep on doing what you're doing! We feel that this would be the best way to ensure that you continue to


Shareholder #

(and no, the irony of my last 6 digits is NOT wasted on me)

My sincerest thanks for dropping by....


lightning36 said...

Oh my -- those of us who are lifetime Chicago Bears fans do not share the same asperations for that team.

KenP said...

Now there is a Ponzi schene!

Memphis MOJO said...

If they went all the way, I wouldn't be surprised.

DrChako said...

They looked unbeatable yesterday.


PS. I slept like 2 hours last night so my brain isn't processing as fast as the rest of your fans. What's the deal with the last 6 digits?

The NL Wife said...

With all due respect to our dear friend Lightning . . .


jamyhawk said...

Seriously? That is your last 6 digits?

Destiny. You NEED to make Super Bowl Reservations now!

jamyhawk said...


My bad, I thought you were already linked. Thanks for pointing it out.