
Losing my virginity....

Like most of you out there, I've been fortunate enough to have several great sponsors over the years. Each of whom has paid to put a small link of some kind, somewhere on my little corner of the intertubles. To say it's appreciated is somewhat of an understatement to be honest. I also pride myself in only accepting quality sponsors as I go along the way, turning down just short of two dozen offers to-date, from those that I don't feel are a good fit for my little spot.

But those are all paid advertisements. No one is actually paying me for writing, as much as they are paying for you the visitor of Bedrock to see their product when you do take the time to drop by.

Apparently however, I have just lost my amateur status as a writer. Now of course I am indeed incredibly amateurish when it comes to writing and the skills required to do so properly, but the fine folks at Pokerstars have just been kind enough to gift me some cash, for my daily WBCOOP reports from the last several days.

There's only one thing left for me to say now and that's thanks Pokerstars!

My sincerest thanks for dropping by....


Memphis MOJO said...

Congrats on the cash. Well-deserved.

Nick said...

I think Stars need to up their "quality control" a little. They are giving awards to all and sundry...

Fred aka TwoBlackAces said...

Good thing you can write Mr 75!!!

Seriously, congrats on the recognition and cash!

VinNay said...

Congrats, always figured you would lose your cherry as a corporate whore.

BTW - what ever happened to you friday posts. I demand underboob!

PokahDave said...

Yeah congrats...now listen to what VinNay said!

lightning36 said...

Big congrats, Bam!